Monday, July 14, 2014

Proveen (still not sure if it's spelled right)

This is Proveen. He is the pastor of a local church here in Fiji that partners with Give Clean Water. I got the chance to talk to him about his church. This church is maintained by him and his family. He paints and decorates, maintains the grounds and gardens, and is working to benefit the people here. He showed me around his garden where he finds peace. This is where he goes to be closer with God. When he first started this church he was not paid any money, so the first thing he did was plant a garden. "The first gift that God gave Adam was a garden, so I planted one. It has kept my family fed and has saved us hundreds of dollars". He plants bananas, papaya, eggplant, and peppers. You will se marigolds planted throughout his garden to keep away pests, "All organic here." he says. He even cut up some of his fruit for the team to try. He also showed us his oven. A hold in the ground filed with rocks. They start a fire with hot, slow burning wood until the rocks are red hot. They put in their meat, right on top of the rocks, then cover it with banana leaves and then dirt. Their food will be ready in about 2 hours, cooked and ready to eat. They have also been working to deepen the ditch areas around the church because the grounds flood when it rains regularly. These ditches are the same places that some of the local people use as a water source. All of the filters we will be using throughout the week will be stored here as we take what we are using each day.

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